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Deceive the Deceivers:
Sign Up for NeroSwarm's Honeypot
Where Intelligence Meets Intrusion Prevention!

600Per Year - per decoy

Students and researchers can access for free.
Learn more about our .

An Extra Layer of Defense for Businesses of All Sizes

At NeroSwarm, we recognize the significance of accessible
security solutions for businesses, irrespective of their scale.

Our pricing model is designed to be straightforward, transparent,
and competitive, ensuring every business can benefit from our
platform's value and advantages.

Advanced Cyber Deception Technology

Utilize strategic deception to detect and outsmart attackers before they inflict harm. Our honeypot technology mirrors real services, effectively luring and exposing threats early on.

Intelligent Decoys & Sneaky Honeytokens

Leverage our intelligent honeypot to develop personalized, authentic-looking environments that misdirect and dupe attackers. Obtain deep understanding of threat behaviors and patterns, enabling you to respond effectively.

Seamless Integration & Alerts

Effortlessly integrate our honeypots with popular SIEM platforms for streamlined security management. Stay informed with instant alerts across multiple channels such as e-mail, Slack, TheHive and more.